Monday, October 6, 2014

Married My Best Friend

    Saturday, October 4, 2014 I married my best friend. Overall it was fantastic with a few speed bumps that my mom quickly and efficiently handled. She did such a wonderful job! I couldn't be more thankful for my parents on supporting us and loving us! My new husband, well, he is perfect to me! My perfectly imperfect husband. I love him more and more.

      Our relationship definitely feels a lot more different. All in good ways, at least These past two days! :) Our love for each other feels different; stronger, more united. I feel as if nothing can stop or slow us down. How did I get so blessed? What did I do to deserve such a man? Such a wonderful, family leading man. 

- The New Wife 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Little Things

      I am two days away from marrying the most amazing man in my life. (other than my dad.) Today, he blew up on my because he woke up late and took it out on me. I am shockingly impressed with how I handled the situation. I didn't really blow back up at him like I would have before. I believe that God is working in me to be patient with my husband... in two days. I am going to be spending every single day for the rest of my life with this man; I am going to need all the patience and forgiveness one can give to someone. He came home and apologized and when to cuddle with me, and I accepted the apology and we cuddled. It was amazing what a little separation and an apology could do. I was in awe with this man.
      He is not perfect by any means, I know this and he knows this. He is perfectly imperfect in my eyes. Always will be. I will always stand by his side and support him. No matter what. If he does something wrong I will be on his side, he will know how I feel about it but I am choosing to love him and forgive him anyway. He is my best friend. The one person outside my family I can rely on for anything at anytime. 

      Normally, when I get upset about something that was the cause of an action or words spoke by him I shut down and just want to be left alone; until I am ready to talk to him about it. When I need to be calmed I listen to Christian music. It soothes me. It calms me. He knows not to mess with me if I am upset (and he knows this) while I am listening to my music. The other day I got so upset over something (not caused by him) and he said to me "Why don't you calm down and listen to some Christian music." Wow. The only thing I could say back was "I Love You." Just the fact that he thought of something that I do when I am upset and told me to go do it was amazing! I was in awe again and fell in love with him all over again. He is truly a blessing.

- Learning to love my husband. (to be.)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Being Perfect

       We all try to be the perfect mother to our children, perfect wife to our husbands, perfect daughter to our Heavenly Father, and perfect daughter to our parents. The truth is, they aren't looking for perfect. We are. We are trying to be perfect for everyone; when in reality we are trying to be perfect for ourselves. Our kids don't notice that we are running 3 minutes late to the park and that we have a tight schedule. They don't know you burned dinner and that's why you are eating pizza. The every day stresses of being a mother, the perfect mother... In our eyes. 

       God still loves me when I forget to do laundry, he still loves me when I forget to get milk at the store, he still loves me when I snap and lose it and have a "moment." I forget that in all this stress, in all this mess, and trying to be perfect all the time for everyone I am forgetting that I may fail at times, but that doesn't make me a failure. It makes me, me. Human. Like you. 

      Today, I am praying that through all the mess and all the stress that I am able to never forget that God loves me, that I am doing the best I can with what I have. No matter how little or how much. I am important to God, my family, my friends, my child, and my soon to be husband. I have to find my purpose and find the joy in everything I do, every day. Even when it's hard and it seems like it's days away from bedtime. Me time. 

       I have God on my side, he is there to forgive when I fail, love me every step of the way, and lead me to where he wants me to be. 
